CBD 2000
Historically, checkbook printing has ever been a quite challenging matter for banking equipment manufacturers because of difficulties on using laser printing engines, which are conceived for A4 desk printers, with paper of various size and also because of the impossibility of properly cutting and assembling booklets of any size from A4 sheets.
For this reason, often banks are committing branch level check customization directly to typography even if not really cost effective and therefore renouncing in this way to any kind of customer level personalization.
CBD 2000 is a really solid solution for checkbook printing which allows to do any kind of personalization, at both branch and customer level, on check paper of any size hence it allows saving customization charges at typography level.
CBD 2000 is the evolution of CBD1000HT that is on the market since several years and the many thousands of units sold is the most tangible sign of its appreciation among worldwide located banks.